A lot! I’ve been pretty overwhelmed lately so I haven’t blogged a lot. So much has been happening that I’m having to process it all slowly. A period of intense growth needs time to sink into your bones for it to become permanent, so that’s where I’ve been.

In terms of training others, here’s a wonderful success story. Jessie is our first female to snatch the 16kg and I’m very proud of her. She works very hard and it shows. This video was a bit unplanned but sometimes good things just happen in training and you just hope to have a camera ready when they do. This happened to be the case here. She has been snatching the 12kg and push pressing the 16kg for a little while now so those prepared her to snatch the 16kg. With the right preparation, the 16kg snatch just fell into place. And the focus on performance has helped her figure goals as well, as you can see. Fat loss isn’t as much an issue when you focus on what you can do rather than just counting calories. She also did a few fat loss challenges with her friends to keep the motivation up and the challenges have greatly helped the process. She shows what hard work in the gym and dedication outside of the gym can get you.

Personally, I’ve been training kettlebell sport lately and it has proved to be quite the challenge. The training is much more focused than what I normally do and that has been teaching me quite a lot. Focusing like a laser beam on one or two things is extremely powerful and therefore slightly uncomfortable. It’s a narrow focus that can propel you forward or cut you like a knife. Sports training is at least partially about learning to find the edge and walk it. It’s tricky. One step back and you don’t do enough. One step too much and you might get hurt. But I’m learning that it’s adding one small bite a day that gets you sustainable progress. Don’t rush it but stay focused on training. Balance that yin and yang of training and recovery to reap the benefits.

In business terms, I’m happy to announce that we have our first full-time trainer starting in September. I’m training him now and I’m looking at all the pieces of the puzzle that make us who we are. What are our influences? What videos did I use the most? What books? What practices and philosophies make us who we are? It’s daunting stuff for sure, but this is a necessary step in the process for our long term growth. I’m excited and honored to be bringing another team member on board!

So that’s it for now. Talk again soon!