Sometimes I have clients who work hard in the gym and still don’t get results. When what’s going on in the gym is right, then what happens outside the gym must be off. Three things might be off: eating, sleep, or stress. Of those three eating wrong is the most common followed by sleep and then stress. If you’re trying to get results in the gym, you MUST eat for performance not just pleasure or convenience. Same with sleep. If you aren’t getting a minimum of 8 hours of quality sleep then you won’t get results. I’ve had clients get almost no results despite working hard in the gym and apparently eating right. When I asked them about sleep, they said they were getting 4 hours a night! That will destroy whatever effort you make in the gym. Stress is less likely than the other two to prevent your results but the hormones that stress causes the body to release can be very damaging to your progress. Exercise is stress and when you’re already stressed out, your body can’t tell good from bad stress and will resist all of it. So if you aren’t getting results but the training is right, look at these three things.