There, I said it. I hear from folks a lot about they’re sick and can’t do X or Y. What I never, ever hear is that their choices directly influenced them getting sick.

We eat certain foods. That’s a choice. We choose Coke over water. That’s a choice. We didn’t pack an umbrella. That was a choice. We choose to drink to excess and that’s a choice too. Are we really going to keep pretending that those choices don’t have consequences?

They do and they add up. You will pay the Piper eventually but when that happens, make sure you see your role in MAKING that happen. Don’t just say, “I got sick.” Think of the bad choices that led to you getting or staying sick.

Sickness is unavoidable in some circumstances, it’s true. But getting your life together by exercising vigorously and regularly, eating nothing but clean, healthy food, sleeping enough every night, etc. builds up a pretty good immunity. When you make these healthy choices, it’s like putting money in the bank — when you need it, it’s there. When all you do is spend, spend, spend then you’re broke when illness comes knocking at your door.

So if you’re sick all the time, ask yourself what YOU are doing to contribute to that.