I’ve long told my fat loss clients to eat a high protein breakfast in order to help their fat loss efforts. What happens when a lot of people eat a carb-based breakfast is that they feel full at first. But if they eat breakfast at 8am, they are usually hungry again by 10am, meaning they will snack before lunch and that adds up to more calories. A high protein breakfast will usually help you last until lunchtime without eating a mid-morning snack.
Also, since you didn’t eat at night, your body needs protein first thing in the morning in order to maintain muscle mass. A high protein breakfast will help you keep your gains. It will also assist in burning fat since you aren’t eating carbs for energy.
No time? I tell clients to go to their neighborhood breakfast place and ask for 2-3 scrambled eggs and 2 strips of bacon. Usually people ask for sandwiches or other carbs here in Taipei but the breakfast place will make this if you ask.