one hour foam rolling and stretching
5×50, 70, 90
3×110, 120
1×140, 160, 172.5 (new PR), 182.5kg!!!
20kg Kb 200 swings
60:00 exercise bike.
Felt like breaking a record today. Warmup took forever and 110kg felt heavy. It always does, why? Anyway, went for it. 172.5 was 2.5 higher than my last 1RM but it felt easy. I wanted to do 180kg but that was 396lbs. and if I was gonna do it, i wanted it to be over 400lbs. So 2×1.25kg plates made it 401.5lbs/182.5kg. Went much better than expected. Was a little delirious at the end.
After the PR, I realized I don’t yet know that I’m doing. I don’t really understand how to lift heavy yet. This lift today felt completely different than anything I’ve ever done. I felt tighter than ever and for once nothing felt strained afterwards. Somehow this lift felt like a first for me. Hopefully first of many to come.