[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2ighBClBRY&w=560&h=315]
How does John Cena really work out? This is one of my favorite clips. I know all kinds of guys that want to get big and what exercises do they do? Front raises, pec deck, preacher curls, etc. Talk about majoring in the minors.

Check out the training then look at the board Cena is writing on. What do you see? I see a PR board for deadlifts, squats, bench, clean, and snatch. I don’t see front raise, wrist curl, etc. Wonder why?

Just in case we need to make it even clearer, he’s another video on Cena’s training.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZifZb5n6w0&w=420&h=315]

Heavy squats, deadlift, bench, pullups — not the type of workout you see in the magazines, is it?

These are the lifts that need to be the foundation of any looking to get bigger and stronger. ANY time spent mastering these lifts will be reward you with results. And yet this is the kind of stuff we almost never see in the gym except for the bench. Heck, you can’t even do that kind of lifting in most gyms since they don’t have the equipment. So we do what Cena and others have done and start our own. These places are built around the basic lifts because they work.

Want to look like Cena? Then train like him!