Equipment for sale

I have several new pieces of equipment for sale. Quantities are extremely limited.

First up is up is our power rack. It’s very durable, the strongest you’re likely ever to see locally, especially at this price. These racks are very, very heavy and very stable. They have many features you won’t see on locally available racks. First of all, they’re wider to accommodate sumo deadlifts and wide squats. They’re also deep enough to easily accommodate spotters. As you can see, there are TWO sets of j-hooks, not one set. That’s because two people can use this rack at the same time! One person can squat or press inside the rack and another in front of the rack.

Here’s a close up look at the j-hook. It’s designed so you won’t easily miss it on heavy lifts. It’s more than strong enough to catch any weight.




It comes with two sets of spotter arms: a round set that slide into the rack and a square set that uses pins. The square set is the strongest you can get, they will catch anything. The round set is useful for most lifts unless you’re lifting really, really heavy.


The racks come with TWO pullup bars! You get a fat grip pullup bar (not shown) and a monkey grip pullup bar that allows for different width grips.

These racks are unavailable any where else in Asia so you’re getting a one of a kind model.

Power rack price: only NT35,000!

Next up is a set of Olympic bumper plates and Olympic bar. The bar is rated at 1500lbs, not the cheap stuff found on the local market. You want a good bar to lift with and these will serve you for a long time.



The set includes a pair of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25kg plates, more than enough to challenge your lifts. As you can see, we got the steel insert in the middle, not the cheaper brass insert that may warp over time. The steel insert is much more durable meaning this set of weights will last much longer than other weights. These features make these weights a great investment!

Olympic bumpers are NOT available in Taiwan outside of these! These are again unique to the market and we brought them in because we understand alternative fitness and the equipment that it takes to make that happen. These are NOT cheap, rubber coated octagon shape plates that you will find locally. These will serve you for a long time if you take care of them.

Price: only NT25,000 per set!

We have these IN STOCK NOW! No waiting! But quantities are extremely limited and when they’re gone, they’re gone! BTW, all prices are firm. If you want one of these products then contact us today!

SERIOUS inquiries only please!

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Clubs are going for good, get them now!

Get them while you can!!

I’m getting out of the club business. The prices and minimum order have gone way beyond what I can afford to carry. I have a limited number of clubs at the various sizes left and this will be it. When these are gone, there will be no more. If you want clubs, this may be your last chance ever to get them, especially the 25kg since that isn’t available any where else on earth. So contact us now. Thanks!

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Our first DVD is on the way!

This is our first DVD project and it’s nearing completion right now! We will cover all the kettlebell basics you need to get started. It’s only in Chinese for right now but our next project is a kettlebell workout DVD like nothing you’ve ever seen before and it will be multi-lingual. Unlike most other DVDs, it will be packed with workouts to get you in the best shape of your life. Stay tuned!

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