There have been fewer happier moments in my life than watching our logo get painted on the door yesterday. The day I became Christian, the day we got married, and the days my kids were born were all more powerful but yesterday wasn’t bad. I just stood there as they painted the logo and thought back to all the struggles that took place behind the scenes to get to where we are today.

The new place is a frenzy of activity. Workers are all over the place putting in new walls, lights, etc. We have an April 1st deadline and thanks to the powers above, it looks like we’re gonna meet that deadline. Seriously, things I thought we’d have to wait months on suddenly became doable in no time. Serious concerns turned out to be surmountable. Just shows you need to have faith. 🙂

This will be the upstairs reception area and ….ahem….”cardio theater.” Yes, I’m getting some cardio machines but not like you think. Just say “no” to treadmills and ellipticals.

Here’s the downstairs hallway where the lockers, changing rooms, and my office will go. Weight room is next!!

This is the weight room and group class area. We will push Prowlers here. Oh yes, there will be Prowlers. What are Prowlers?

They’re weight sleds that you push for conditioning and strength training together. I hear it’s one tough workout. Wanna try it out? You know where to go!

I know people are concerned about bathrooms and showers so know that we have you covered. We now have two full bathrooms with showers for your convenience.

So there you have it. The first look at our Formosa Fitness 3.0. We have other surprises in store but we’ll let you find out those in time. I think we’ve made it clear by now that we’re the complete opposite of the normal fitness scene so you can always expect us to do the unexpected.

PLEASE stop by and visit when we open in April. We’d LOVE to show you around! See you soon!