premium2Guys and gals,
I’m proud to announce that we’re helping to expand the whey protein options available in Taiwan. We’re now the sole distributor for Eat Me supplements from New Zealand. Starting today, we’re selling Premium Protein (whey concentrate) and their Lean Shake (whey isolate). Both are non-GMO and the whey comes from grass-fed sources. The whey is produced, mixed and packaged right in New Zealand and then shipped to us. So it hasn’t been sitting on a shelf somewhere for months and this was as direct from the source as we could get.
I want to emphasize that this isn’t the cheapest whey you can possibly get. We are going for the highest quality at the best price and I think we’ve succeeded. For example, the actual whey content of the concentrate for most flavors is 98%. The bare minimum of flavoring and sweetener is used and there are only 5-6 ingredients rather than 15-20. But you’re paying for protein anyway, right? So the sweetness is much less than typical American brands. If a stronger flavor is desired, the whey can be consumed with milk.

And these are not blends, which some companies use to maximize profit. 100% of the protein in the bag is from concentrate in the Premium or from isolate in the Lean Shake. Some companies are using cheaper glutamine and other aminos to spike the protein levels artificially but we aren’t doing anything like that.

We have samples available at a low cost at the gym so come on down and try it out if this sounds interesting to you. We also ship around Taiwan for minimal cost. Thanks!