wrong calories“We should only be positive. We shouldn’t criticize others.” Take a look at this picture on the left. Look at the label. See anything wrong? The number of carbs listed is 12g and protein is listed as 1gm. Now there are 4 calories in one gram of carbs or proteins. So 12+1=13 and 13×4=15, right? Wait, what? 13×4 doesn’t equal 15, it’s 52. So it’s 52 calories, not 15. The label is wrong.
How do you feel about this? How would you feel if you were trying to lose fat while drinking something like this and found you couldn’t lose weight? Would you like that?
Tell me the truth, wouldn’t you want someone to point this out? Well then how do you do that without being critical? How do you point that out and “stay positive”?
The answer is you don’t. We should point out things that are wrong. That IS positive. Not calling out what is wrong is weak.
At Formosa Fitness and Kettlebell Taiwan, we want you to be strong. We want you to know what’s good and bad. And honestly, don’t you want to know these things? Don’t you want to know when you’re being mislead? I would.
We hope that through reading our articles and following our stuff, you can become a better consumer, someone that is able to discriminate between the good and the bad. So keep your eyes open and keep training hard.